Questions & Answers
Can i cancel my order?
As long as you have not yet picked up the item, you can still cancel via . We will process your cancellation within 24 hours on working days, after which we will refund you. You will automatically receive an email from us when your cancellation has been processed. Read more about cancellation and order here
Didn't receive money after cancellation?
If you have not received an email within 24 hours that we have processed your cancellation, please contact us. If you have received an email that your cancellation has been processed, the money will be back in your account within 5 working days at the latest.
Can I return items?
Still not completely satisfied with your article? Visit De Festivalwinkel during Lowlands to exchange or return the item. Not satisfied with your product after Lowlands? Then register it as a return via and follow the shipping instructions you receive.
Have you not yet received the money for your return?
If you have not received an email after 10 working days that we have processed your return, please contact . If you have received an email that your return has been processed, the money will be in your account within 5 working days at the latest.
Can't find the return address?
You will automatically receive the correct return address for your item during your return notification.
The item no longer fits in the box?
If the items do not fit in 1 box, please write the address and returns number on each box and we will match them in our warehouse.
Why does bol work with Klarna for the Lowlands webshop?
Bol works with Klarna for the Lowlands webshop to offer customers the flexibility of paying afterwards via Klarna. This Lowlands webshop has a special festival range for Lowlands. Because this webshop is not directly linked to the regular Bol webshop, it is not possible to offer Bol's standard payment options.
Can minors also pay afterwards with Klarna?
To be eligible to use Klarna you must be a resident of the Netherlands and at least 18 years old.
Will I soon be able to use Klarna in the regular Bol webshop?
No, Bol offers its own post-payment service. Klarna is only available for the Lowlands webshop and can be used until August 19.
Do I order my items from bol?
Yes, all items you buy via this webshop and in the bol Festival Shop at Lowlands can be purchased at bol.
Why do I see 'Playground Brand Activation BV via Stripe Technology Europe Ltd.' be included in the payment?
Playground Brand Activation BV is the executive production partner of De Festivalwinkel for bol. All payments are processed via the bank account of Playground Brand Activation BV. Stripe is a third party that offers a payment solution that allows you to make credit and debit card payments in the webshop.
Why can't I have my package shipped?
This Lowlands webshop is only intended as an order & pick-up service for De Festivalwinkel at Lowlands where you can pick up the ordered item.
Why can't I log in with my bol account?
This Lowlands webshop is not linked to the regular Bol webshop. That is why you cannot use your bol account and bol services that you are used to from us, such as Select.