Opening hours

The bol Festival Shop is open 24 hours a day from August 15 to 18, 2024 and until 12:00 noon on Monday, August 19, 2024.

Location at Lowlands

The Festival Shop sphere is located on the camping site on Campinglaan near the second festival entrance. NB! The Festival Shop is only accessible to visitors to Lowlands.

The bol Festival Shop is the pick-up point for collecting your order.

Contact details

Do you have questions or comments? Please contact us at .

Company details

The bol Festival Shop is carried out in collaboration with Playground Brand Activation BV. The sales of the items in this webshop and in the Festival Shop are done by bol. Your payment for your item in the webshop is made via Playground Brand Activation BV and Stripe Technology Europe Ltd..

Playground Brand Activation BV

Isolatorweg 36
1014 AS Amsterdam

Chamber of Commerce number: 54068452
Netherlands VAT identification number: NL851144068B01

IBAN account number: NL31RABO0394376277

Papendorpseweg 100
3528 BJ Utrecht

Chamber of Commerce number: 32147382
Netherlands VAT identification number: NL820471616B01
Belgium VAT identification number: BE0824148721

IBAN account number: NL27INGB0000026500